"Ferber Recants!"

Ferber Recants!

The November 8, 1999 issue of the New Yorker has a very interesting article at page 56, by Jack Seabrook, called "Annals of Parenthood: Sleeping with the Baby". In putting together the article, the author interviewed Dr. Ferber, and confessed to him that they take their baby to bed with them. The below is a small excerpt from the article; I have asked for, and am currently waiting for, permission to reprint the entire article, or a large portion of it, here on the site. In the meantime, you can order this issue from the New Yorker Website for $7.50. It's a nice long article, and worth the cost!

Article author:
" But it says here in your book that although taking your child into bed with you for a night if he is ill or very upset about something, for the most part this is not a good idea."

Dr. Ferber:
"I wish I hadn't written those sentences. That came out of some of the existing literature. It is a blanket statement that is just not right. There's plenty examples of co-sleeping where it works out just fine. My feeling now is that children can sleep with or without their parents. What is really important is that the parents work out what they want to do."

[Ed. comment: Good for you, Dr. Ferber!]

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